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The First Hypak™ Artwork Unveiled in the New Exhibition "The Revelation" in Shanghai

Exhibition·The Revelation

The First Hypak™ Artwork Debuts in Shanghai

Urban lifestyle "required course": coffee, exhibition, City Walk. The end of the year in Magic City, Shanghai, is exciting and opening a new exhibition "The Revelation", which takes you into the inner world of three artists: Juanzi, Li Chuhui, and Han Shaoguang, and together think about light and darkness, speech and silence, chaos and clarity, known and unknown.



Exhibition Time

November 18, 2023, to December 17, 2023

Exhibition Location

88 Liming Road, Minhang District, Shanghai

Meibo Art Museum

In this exhibition

Hypak™ is used for the first time on paper

Presenting a 14-meter massive painting

Bringing a stunning visual experience


Sea Farewell Dictionary: Black Light

*The paper is made of Hypak™ material 1400X100cm


Author: Li Chuhui

Contemporary sculpture artist

College sculpture art educator


Artistic inspiration:

In the ceaseless and discolored world, most of the people in it are exhausted. In the cubicle without sunlight, in the tired journey, in the chaos of interpersonal relationships, they consume life and nutrients. The suppressed dreams and forgotten original intentions make individuals like freeze-dried fruits, sweet and flexible but lack the sweetness and juiciness of interest and depth. The deep and dim reality is like black light, constantly creating secrets in the unconscious of people.





When Reality Emerges in the Unity of Form

In the Moment the Soul is Illuminated

Black Light Recedes Like a Tide

Black Light Invades the Day

And the Day Forgives

Hypak™ Art Paper

Achieving Magnificent Colors

Let Art Last, Let Art Be Eternal


The eternity of art lies in the dissemination of the work, and the dissemination of the work depends on the materials. In painting applications, the finely processed Hypak™ is used as art paper. It is not only easy to paint and color but also displays and preserves the vividness of colors and the integrity of patterns for an extended period.


Magnificent Colors, Visible Brushstrokes


Unique Texture of Hypak™

Compared to ordinary paper or fabric, Hypak™ art paper is waterproof, moisture-resistant, and insect-proof. It is less prone to damage, making it easier for artworks to be preserved for a longer duration.


More about...

"The Revelation"


The exhibition is divided into three parts: Chaotic Boat, Black Light, and Symbolic Breath. It is a confession with its own aura, bringing together works connected by sincerity, a blend of freshness and weightiness. Three artists from different eras and regions start from their respective creative perspectives, using consciousness to construct various phenomena. They open the doors to their inner worlds, setting aside judgments made within the framework of history and experience based on personal growth. They construct themselves in clarity, restoring inner tranquility through visible meanings.

Easter Eggs at the Exhibition


On the exterior walls of the Mei Bo Art Museum

The large outdoor advertisement for this exhibition

Is also printed with Hypak™


Close-up of Hypak™ Texture in Outdoor Advertisement

"The Revelation" brings a new way of thinking and a beautiful experience. We believe that the first application of Hypak™ art paper will also provide more artists and art studios with 'revelations,' offering more possibilities for painting!

The exhibition runs until December 17th.

Welcome to visit!

Exhibition Venue: 88 Liming Road, Minhang District, Shanghai Mei Bo Art Museum

*No appointment required, you can visit directly."

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